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  • Kid's Haircuts

  • Show all 5 services

  • Kids Cut Under 16's (Not Inc Skin Fades)

    From 1st April £12.50

    20 minutes, £12.00

  • Under 5's

    From 1st April £9.50

    We cut babies and toddlers hair from 6 months of age onwards. We recommend that you bring in a treat for them (something like chocolate buttons) that you can keep handing to them to distract them, and if you have a phone or iPad even better! We follow their lead and go with the flow. We do everything we can to help your child feel safe and secure in our environment. We also offer First Haircut Cards for 50p in store to take home with you!


    20 minutes, £9.00

  • Autism Awareness Appointment Under 16's

    From 1st April £12.50

    We now offer a Autism Awareness Booking Option so we can best prepare and cater for your needs. We have a comments box to use for any special requirements you may need. We want you/ your child to feel as safe and comfortable as possible during their haircut.

    20 minutes, £12.00

  • Silent Appointment Under 16's

    From 1st April £12.50

    We offer a none judgmental space in our Shop. If you feel uncomfortable with small talk, or suffer with anxiety surrounding your time in the chair because of it, then this option allows you to book for a Silent Appointment. Where we promise to only talk about things relating to your hair.

    20 minutes, £12.00

  • Under 16's Skinfade

    Down to foils so it's completely smooth on the sides

    30 minutes, £16.00

  • Senior Citizens (Monday - Friday)

    Senior Citizen Price Monday - Friday

    Full Price on Saturday's 

  • Senior Citizen (Over 65)

    From 1st April £12.00

    15 minutes, £11.50

  • Senior Citizen Trim and Beard Shape Up

    From 1st April £14.50

    30 minutes, £14.00

  • Silent Haircut Appointment Over 65's

    From 1st April £12.00

    We offer a none judgmental space in our Shop. If you feel uncomfortable with small talk, or suffer with anxiety surrounding your time in the chair because of it, then this option allows you to book for a Silent Appointment. Where we promise to only talk about things relating to your hair.

    15 minutes, £11.50

  • Skin Fades

  • Show all 5 services

  • Skin Fade

    From 1st April £19.50

    40 minutes, £19.00

  • Skin Fade and Beard Shape Up

    From 1st April £24.50

    50 minutes, £24.00

  • Silent Hair Appointment

    From 1st April £19.50

    We offer a none judgmental space in our Shop. If you feel uncomfortable with small talk, or suffer with anxiety surrounding your time in the chair because of it, then this option allows you to book for a Silent Appointment. Where we promise to only talk about things relating to your hair.

    40 minutes, £19.00

  • Ear and Nostril Waxing

    From 1st April £3.50

    5 minutes, £3.00

  • Eyebrow Wax

    From 1st April £6.00

    10 minutes, £5.00

  • Trims

  • Show all 10 services

  • One Grade All Over

    From 1st April £10.50

    15 minutes, £10.00

  • Beard Shape Up

    From 1st April £8.00

    15 minutes, from £8.00

  • Haircut

    From 1st April £16.50

    20 minutes, £16.00

  • Shampoo and Cut

    From 1st April £19.00

    30 minutes, £18.50

  • Trim and Beard Shape Up

    From 1st April £20.50

    30 minutes, £20.00

  • Eyebrow Waxing

    From 1st April £6.00

    Wax those stray hair's around the eyebrows to give them a more shapely look.

    10 minutes, £5.00

  • Silent Appointment Haircut Over 16's

    From 1st April £16.50

    We offer a none judgmental space in our Shop. If you feel uncomfortable with small talk, or suffer with anxiety surrounding your time in the chair because of it, then this option allows you to book for a Silent Appointment. Where we promise to only talk about things relating to your hair.


    20 minutes, £16.00

  • Haircut and Peel Off Charcoal Face Mask

    From 1st April £24.50

    50 minutes, £23.00

  • Mental Health Support Haircut

    This Service is designed for people who would like to discuss their Mental Health and Wellbeing and have support. This is a safe space to talk confidentially about mental health issue's, whilst having your haircut in a relaxed environment.

    45 minutes, £16.00

  • Autism Awareness Appointment Over 16's

    From 1st April £16.50

    We now offer a Autism Awareness Booking Option so we can best prepare and cater for your needs. We have a comments box to use for any special requirements you may need. We want you/ your child to feel as safe and comfortable as possible during their haircut.

    20 minutes, £16.00

  • Body Waxing

    Before booking your Waxing Appointment please make sure your body hair is atleast 1/4 inch long to have the best smoothest wax possible. Please be aware that Sunbed Use will not be allowed atleast 48 hours after your Waxing Service.

  • Show all 9 services

  • 1/2 Leg Wax

    Half leg and knee

    From 1st April £18.00

    30 minutes, £15.00

  • Full Leg Wax

    Leg, knee and thigh

    From 1st April £27.00

    1 hour, £25.00

  • Chest Wax

    Full chest wax including tops of shoulders

    From 1st April £22.00

    45 minutes, £20.00

  • Back Wax

    Back including shoulders 

    From 1st April £22.00

    45 minutes, £22.00

  • Chest and Torso Wax

    Chest and Torso together 

    1 hour 30 minutes, £30.00

  • Lower Arm Wax

    Lower arm up to elbow

    30 minutes, £15.00

  • Full Arm Wax

    Lower arm and up to shoulders

    40 minutes, £18.00

  • Lip Wax

    10 minutes, £5.00

  • Eyebrow and Lip Wax

    15 minutes, £8.00

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